Is it effective?
How do I locate a qualified virtual trainer?
A recent article published by The Global Wellness Institute titled The “Fitness Market” Is Far Bigger Than Gyms and Boutique Studios revealed that consumers are spending over 108.6 billion dollars in the fitness market and over 4.2 trillion dollars across the entire wellness economy. Included is “an estimated 28.8 million people who subscribe to on-demand and streaming fitness services (via online platforms and mobile apps)”. Technology is playing a greater role making fitness even more accessible.
With technology and as a result of the pandemic, there has been a shift to new modalities to participate in fitness. You may have seen the very groovy ads Peloton, The Mirror, and others produced for indoor bike, treadmills, and elliptical workouts. Personally, I love the Peloton commercials – the music is hot and the trainers are both personable and cool.
There are all types of fitness programs available; yoga, Pilates, HITT, interval, indoor cycling, etc. Over 28 million people subscribe to fitness services online. That includes personal training referred to as Virtual Personal Training and Virtual Fitness Coaching. We are no longer restricted by geography and can work across the continent - from New York Virtual Training to Los Angeles Virtual Personal Training. If you have internet you can zoom, face time, YouTube and google your sessions.
But wait, personal training is supposed to be one on one with your trainer. How can my trainer correct my form, motivate me and guide me through my workout? During the height of the pandemic I was on a presentation call hosted by The Global Wellness Institute along with over 250 other professionals from around the world. Every single fitness professional on the call was providing services virtually; New York, Colorado, California, Florida, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, India – you get the picture. Each was a high-level professional, not your average class instructor with 1 - 2 years’ experience. This distinction helps in making virtual services successful. If they weren’t that effective in person it will be even less so virtually.
I have personally participated in virtual programs. Some were great - others lost me in the very beginning. To conduct good virtual personal training services it requires a detailed eye and a trainer with vast skills and expertise. A qualified trainer can deliver most exercises with minimal equipment as well as modify each exercise to accommodate the client’s skill level or medical restrictions.
If you are considering virtual training it can be amazingly effective, especially forgoing the drive time, traffic, gym expense and waiting in line to use equipment. And the obvious of wondering if the person next to you has had their vaccine or been exposed to the virus.
When the pandemic hit I could not see my clients in person but their training was a top priority to them in order to maintain their health and a strong immune system. Some of my clients are high risk due to age or medical conditions. All converted to virtual training immediately. Some found it worked even better for them not having to deal with traffic or the risk of exposure to COVID. Many are enjoying virtual training with great results. If you are interested in training virtually I suggest you look for a qualified trainer – one who is experienced and with a recognized certification, who is attentive to you during the sessions, can communicate clearly so you don’t have to try to figure out what the exercise is they are having you do. They should maintain forms on medical history with goals you discuss together. The goals should be reviewed to ensure you are on target. It is important that your trainer asks how you are feeling before the session begins in case modifications to the program are needed. There is more expertise that goes into virtual personal training than in person training. It truly is personal – just you and your trainer – in your home. Feel free to contact me with any questions on hiring your virtual personal trainer or for recommendations - I have a great network of associates. E mail me at patella.cap@gmail.com Cheryl Patella, M.S., CPT, CLC www.cherylapatella.com